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Welcome to the CoOrdination,
your private doctor center with renowned specialists in Vienna

Priv.Doz. Dr. Stefan Pfaffenberger & OA Dr. Gregor Ulbrich
Founders of Co-Ordination

We offer what is often lacking in the public healthcare sector: a friendly atmosphere and polite demeanor, personalized care from the same doctor, ample time for doctor-patient conversations, expertise from specialists, minimal wait times before appointments, and if necessary, swift and uncomplicated organization of further examinations.

There are various indications for the performance of an endoscopy. Essentially, a distinction is made between an examination due to complaints or as part of a preventive examination (e.g., colorectal cancer screening).


Upper endoscopy (gastroscopy) is used to investigate various gastrointestinal complaints and symptoms such as heartburn, reflux, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, blood in stool (positive fecal occult blood test), anemia, iron deficiency, weight loss, etc.

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Colonoscopy is also used to investigate various gastrointestinal complaints and symptoms such as diarrhea, blood in stool (positive fecal occult blood test), anemia, iron deficiency, constipation, abdominal pain, weight loss, etc.

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Colon cancer prevention

Another increasingly important indication for colonoscopy is the so-called preventive colonoscopy for colorectal cancer screening. All devices used in the medical center are high-resolution, full HD endoscopes to be able to detect even the smallest mucosal changes.

I would like to know more about the colon cancer prevention!

Unsere Ordination ist am 5. Juli 2024 ausnahmsweise geschlossen

Wir sind aber trotzdem von 9 bis 14 Uhr telefonisch für Sie da!